V1.2 Bugfixes

After uploading the first version (v.1.2), I've realized a few things and quickly fixed them. Here's the list of fixes I did:

  • I forgot to dim the background for when dialogues appear. Fixed.
  • Pee goes through the dialogue box. Fixed.
  • A tiny pee stain keeps showing on pants despite cleaning up. Fixed.
  • Dialogues for when your roommate witnesses you wearing diapers for the first time clashed with Roomie Watch dialogues. Fixed.
  • Other small dialogue flow fixes.

If you are experiencing any of those problems, please try to download the newest version from the homepage to update the game.

Your save file will still carry over.


OmoDays_Prototype_v1.2.2.zip 40 MB
Apr 20, 2024

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